Monday, September 21, 2009


Bible Text:
  • 1 Kings 3:5-14
  • James 3:13-15

I. The Man Who Prayed for Wisdom
i. Obedient
ii. Humble
iii. Selfless

II. The Purpose
i. For the expansion of God’s kingdom
ii. For God’s glory

III. The Prize



I am very much pleased and grateful to God to be given the opportunity to deliver His message. When I received the invitation to speak I almost reacted the same way how Moses reacted to God when God told him to speak before His people. He was reluctant to accept the task because he was not a good speaker. But then I remember God’s reply was, “I will help you to speak”.

Messenger’s Prayer: “Lord, give me the wisdom I need to speak to your people with justice and truth. In Jesus Name, Amen.”

I was inspired by Solomon’s prayer in asking for wisdom. It is something that we admit of our weakness that we can’t do or know anything without God’s guidance. But what amazed me was Solomon’s attitude when he asked for wisdom from God. His attitude was outstanding it was more than admitting his weakness; he did it with humility and accepted his responsibility at a very young age with acknowledgement of God’s sovereignty. He believed that God is in control of everything. Solomon said in 1 Kings 3:7 “O Lord God, you have let me succeed my father as king, even though I am very young and don’t know how to rule.” Solomon was chosen a king contrary to the normal custom. If custom was to be followed, Adonijah would have been made king upon the death of Absalom his eldest brother. Adonijah was an heir to the throne since he was the oldest surviving son of David, but it fell to Solomon. God chose Solomon to be king. Of course, God is the one who sets kings up and puts them down. Then Solomon was not boastful of this, more so his attitude was not for his purpose but for God’s.

The Man Who Prayed for Wisdom

In 1 Kings 3:5 when God appeared to Solomon in a dream-like state, God said to Solomon “Ask what I shall give you?” So what was God’s ground for asking this to Solomon. What was Solomon’s account for this?

In Chapter 2 of 1 Kings, David’s last instruction to Solomon before he died was, “Be confident and determined, and do what the Lord your God orders you to do. Obey all His laws and commands, as written in the Law of Moses, so that wherever you go you may prosper in everything you do.” Solomon did not only follow his father’s instructions, but he also obeyed God. Solomon was obedient. He loved the Lord and God saw this. God saw Solomon’s heart in worshipping Him and offering sacrifices to Him on various altars before the Temple was built. Remember Pastor Gane’s message the other Sunday? It’s all about how God sees us. He said God sees our situation and God sees our heart. Just as how God saw the heart of David that’s how also God saw the heart of Solomon.

When God said to Solomon, “Ask what I shall give you?” Solomon then replied “Give me the wisdom I need to rule Your people with justice and to know the difference between good and evil. Otherwise, how would I ever be able to rule this great people of Yours?” Surprisingly, the young king did not take advantage of his privilege by asking things for his own pleasure. Instead he honestly and humbly brought up his concern regarding his incapability of handling sensitive matters in his kingdom. He said “I am very young and don’t know how to rule.” He began with such premise, it was childlike, a child who is in need of God’s help. He’s a king yet he knew what he was lacking; his humility shows in what he felt about himself in relation to what had become his responsibility.

Solomon showed humility. He was humble, willing to listen, willing to be admonished and commanded by God. He was believed to be around twenty years old when this happened. Nowadays, only few of his age like mine (coz I’m only past twenty) as well as those that are older than us would also ask for things in such manner. I got a message from my email which is similar to the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector but it is in modernized occupation and let me share you about this:
"Two men went to the church to pray. One was a Lay Preacher and the other was a dishonest businessman. The proud Lay Preacher stood by himself and prayed: ‘I thank you, God, that I am not a sinner like everyone else, especially like that businessman over there! For I never cheat, I don’t sin, I don’t commit adultery, and I give you a tenth of my income.’ “But the businessman stood at a distance and did not even lift his eyes to heaven as he prayed. Instead, he beat his chest in sorrow, saying, ‘O God, be merciful to me, for I am a sinner.’ I tell you, this sinner, not the Lay Preacher, returned home justified before God. For the proud will be humbled, but the humble will be honored."

Believing we are wise tempts us to appraise other’s shortcomings and can easily lead to pride, and pride impedes us from seeking God and makes us unaware of how much growth is still required in ourselves. So we must be humble.

In Solomon’s speech, God was pleased. He was pleased by his dignified words and God found no selfishness in his request. Let me tell you again another story. This is about the two nurses taking up NCLEX for California State Board of Nursing. They were talking about their dream of passing the board exam, both of them prayed and asked God for wisdom. One nurse wished to pass so that she may be able to work in US to earn big bucks so she could buy a house and lot and buy her dream car, the BMW sports car, and so she could also buy branded things like Louis Vuitton because she wished for that too. While the other nurse wished to pass so she could earn big money and be able to help her family and her relatives, as well as to help the community in building a church. In their conversation it is obvious who among them thought more of her own and who thought more of others. This is how God was pleased with Solomon because God saw the unselfish-side of him. Solomon was selfless. He did not seek things for his own, rather asked God for wisdom that could benefit others.

All these things, the obedience, humility and unselfishness that Solomon showed are a good sign of wisdom. Solomon has already a quality of being wise. For he knows it was the right thing to do, to dedicate himself to God. This is the wisest thing a man could ever do, submitting ourselves to God so when we pray for wisdom we will be filled with it. God said, “I will give you MORE wisdom and understanding” and so God just expanded Solomon’s knowledge.

The Purpose

What was the purpose? Why did Solomon pray for wisdom?

When Solomon replied to God asking for wisdom, it was so that he would be able to rule God’s people because they were so many that they cannot be counted. He said, “Give me the wisdom I need to rule Your people with justice and to know the difference between good and evil. Otherwise, how would I ever be able to rule this great people of Yours?” On this note, Solomon feared that he may not able to handle or manage God’s people for he was young and few of experience. So he asked for an understanding heart a wisdom that would enable him to use for the expansion of God’s kingdom.

It is for the expansion of God’s kingdom

According to Synthia Esther, “working towards advancing God's kingdom begins and ultimately ends with working on ourselves”. By working it means we aim to be an example, a role model that God’s wisdom the true wisdom would be seen in us. Solomon wanted to use his life and his judgment to evangelize his people. He was in the mission of making his people know the great power and love of God to them. And if the people see these things in him they will say “Let us worship God!”

In James 3 , we can learn that the application of wisdom is in our speech and deeds. The scripture says, “You are to prove it by your good life, by your good deeds performed with humility and wisdom. But if in your heart you are jealous, bitter and selfish, don’t sin against the truth by boasting of your wisdom. Such wisdom does not come down from heaven; it belongs to the world, it is unspiritual and demonic.” True wisdom is not found in intellectual reasoning but is displayed in good life. If we speak and act according to the things from God’s perspective then those people around us will see true wisdom, wisdom not of the world but of God. Matthew 5:16 reminds us “In the same way your light must shine before people, so that they will see the good things you do and praise your Father in heaven.”

It is for God’s glory

In Solomon’s request he also showed fear that God would judge him upon his works if he did not do what is right in the sight of the Lord. Solomon just wanted to please God. He asked for wisdom to use it to glorify God and not to glorify himself and so God was pleased. When God gave him the wisdom that he asked for, he was able to write them down and so that the future generation would learn these things as well. He composed three thousand proverbs and more than a thousand songs so we could also praise and honor God through these proverbs and songs.

If we are given an opportunity to acquire wisdom the same as Solomon, will we ask for God’s wisdom or live our life on our own? Most people ask for wisdom for their own interest…so that others may look up to them highly…that they may be promoted at work…that they may get good grades and so on. I am actually thinking of the coming national election, and I’m wondering what our candidates pray for and their true purpose in running for presidency. Let us hope and pray that it is not for power and wealth or only for their own interest, but for God’s glory and His kingdom. And if our hearts seek God’s glory, God will be pleased and He will bless our lives.

The Prize

How is God going to bless our lives?

This is the prize Solomon received. God said to Solomon, “Because you have asked for the wisdom to rule justly, instead of long life for yourself or riches or the death of your enemies, I will do what you have asked. I will give you more wisdom and understanding than anyone has ever had before or will ever have again. I will also give you what you have not asked for: all your life you will have wealth and honor, more than that of any other king. And if you obey me and keep my laws and commands, as your father David did, I will give you a long life." God granted him so many things, the things that he asked even the things that he did not ask. If we turn our hearts to God and obey His laws, our needs and wants will be provided. He will bless us more even the things we couldn’t imagine or the things we don’t expect.


God created the world so that he could demonstrate His wisdom to the world through the obedience of His people. If we follow God He will bless us. If you’re an unbeliever you can only rely on your own knowledge and understanding. If you have pride, your knowledge lulls you into thinking you have sufficient wisdom to meet any challenges in life. But as Christians we have given opportunity to base our life on God’s wisdom. We have the access. We just have to allow the Holy Spirit to open our eyes to the truth of the Scriptures so that we can see things from God’s perspective.

Thomas à Kempis wrote, “If you think you know many things and understand them well, remember that there are many more things that you do not know.” If we think the wisdom we get from the things we learn in our profession are enough to sustain us from our job, then we don’t need seminars and trainings anymore. But still we need them, for even the basic things in the world we sometimes forget. Let us not be too proud of ourselves. Let us admit our ignorance. Let us pray for wisdom, the true wisdom which is from above and acquire them through obedience, humility, and selflessness for God’s glory and His kingdom. Amen.


- GOOD NEWS (Today’s English Version)

- BIBLE (King James Version)

- EXPERIENCING GOD Daily Devotionals

- BIBLE TOOLS Forerunner Commentaries

- PRAYER THAT PLEASES GOD by Pastor Jose B. Cabajar



- THE IMITATION OF CHRIST by Thomas à Kempis

Sunday, August 23, 2009

When You Believe

When I read the story of Moses I couldn't help but be touched by the holy spirit and watching Prince of Egypt moved me again and again that it kept me crying from start to the very last end of the movie. And this is my favorite part... It is WHEN YOU BELIEVE... God bless the spirit of those who were touched by this... God bless us all!

"And without faith it is impossible to please Him. For he who comes to God must believe that He IS and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seeks Him."
Hebrews 11:6

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Trust and Obey

We have to learn a lot of things in life. The challenges or trials that come our way are always with a purpose. Those are considered in His plans... plans to give us prosperity and for His glory. All we have to do is stop, look and listen to what He is telling us. Obey... follow Him and be patient as the result manifest, because God... He knows what’s best for us.

If we have to crawl for it then let’s crawl and giving up is not the key for we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Let us not give up; Hold on and have faith.

"Who is among you that fears the Lord, That obeys the voice of His servant, That walks in darkness and has no light? Let him trust in the name of the Lord and rely on his God."
Isaiah 50:10

Friday, August 14, 2009

A Reason To SMILE ^_______^

Isiah 49:15 God said "I will not forget you"
Isiah 54:10 Yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken.

For someone whom you really love say those words to you, can HE not make you smile?

HIS words and promises are the only happiness i treasure, because in HIM my heart is rested and never will be broken.

I smile because i have HIM..
I smile because HE says the sweetest words that no man can ever say or promise.

in a text message it says:
Fallin in love with God is the greatest romance.
Searching HIM is the greatest adventure.
Finding HIM is the greatest achievement
Being with HIM is the greatest source of JOY!

So why would I not smile especially waking up in the morning if knowin' that someone up there is looking after me? not a stalker but GOD.

GOD for me is the reason to smile

Monday, August 3, 2009

I Am A Sheep

I want to be a dolphin as one of Earth's most intelligent animal. I see dolphins as the most beautiful and loving animal. They are also braver than I thought, because they can protect swimmers from sharks by swimming circles around the swimmers or charging sharks to make them go away. They are also one of our multitalented animals in the world. They are my favorite.

I want to be a dragon. Yes, a "dragon", a legendary creature that only appears in the myth of many cultures. I'd like to be one neither because of its mystery nor its fierceness and pride that it portrays, but often said they are wiser than humans. They are also being associated with wisdom and longevity, and are commonly said to possess some supernatural power or some forms of magic. And I also wish to posses some kind of sort to be able to do anything with all my might.

I would also wish to be an eagle. Eagles soar above the winds of adversity. They are strong, resilient, and independent. They are everyone's icon and a national symbol of 12 countries (as I've counted it). They resemble those who achieved success in their lives.

I wanted to be like them, however. I am not. Despite of being a human, I am also called to be a sheep, or better yet God called me 'one' and I openly accept that "I AM".

Yes, I am a sheep. A human sheep that is helpless, hopeless, stubborn, hardheaded sheep that easily be attacked by the enemy, the carnivores, the soul and flesh takers. I called them wolves. Wolves never fear the sheep even the sheep’s counterattack when they make their way into the flock, for they know that even the biggest, baddest sheep in the flock can only do very little to defend itself. They can only survive in the wolves’ hunger by the protection from their shepherd and his staff. Sheeps are not fearless, they are passive, notorious followers that mindlessly follow anything that catches their attention, very dependent most specially to their shepherd. They are not even known for their intelligence; they are that stupid, so helpless and in need of guidance... and I admit being one.

I am not actually proud of it, but that's what I am identified with. It deflates my pride and exposes my independence as a myth. However, I am glad to be, because Psalm 23 helped me understand that being one is what God wants me to be. This gave me comfort and reassurance that my life is in line with His. “The Lord is my Shepherd… I shall not want”. He is the Shepherd. Powerful, mighty, sovereign; loving, gentle, tender… and I cannot survive living without Him.

King David admitted what the psalm calls us all to understand. We don’t manage our own destinies; we are not in control of our lives. We don’t even own ourselves. You and I belong to the Lord. He owns us, He is Lord over us. Like a shepherd, He decides what is best for us. (Mark A. Tabb)

Living as a sheep I humble myself before Him, the Shepherd. Jesus declared this on the thirty-fourth chapter of Ezekiel:

I myself will search for my sheep and look after them. As a shepherd looks after his scattered flock when he is with them, so I will look after my sheep. I will rescue them from all the places where they were scattered on a day of clouds and darkness… I myself will tend my sheep and have them lie down, declares the Sovereign Lord… I will shepherd the flock with justice.

I depend my life upon Him, surrendering everything to Him placing everything I have at His disposal. Wherever He leads me, I will go. His will takes precedence over my agendas.

“The Lord is my Shepherd. No more wandering. No more choosing my own way. The Shepherd is calling; I must follow.”